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How to save money for first apartment rental in Ho Chi Minh City ?

Moving into your first apartment rental in Saigon is exciting and pressure at the same time for everyone. From my point of view, living on your own home means you have the freedom to decorate however you like, host parties as much as you want, customize your space to your style, and most important clean up your mess when you feel like it. Because it is all yours and no one else’s opinions matter. Moreover, the renters feeling that they need so many things. For most of us, that need has to be balanced with a limited budget, both in furnishing your place and living there. Here are some tips that will help you save money.

The Diamond Island Apartment in District 2 Ho Chi Minh City
The Diamond Island Apartment in District 2 Ho Chi Minh City

1. Share your house with a roommate

Living on your apartment might seem great ideal at times, but it can be very lonely! Firstly, you don’t have to give up customize and desired the floor plant of your dream home because of budget limitations. Secondly, having a roommate can change things for the better with more ideals. Thirdly, choosing to live with a roommate can help you save so much money by splitting the living expenses and sharing the house rental. Furthermore, now you don’t have to eat dinner alone every single night!

2. Know and control your limit

It was not by accident that, a lot of Expat living in Ho Chi Minh City seem to worry about hunting an apartment, that is no easy task. Be realistic when you start looking for a place, maybe you can juggle things around so you can afford a dream home, but you might come to regret that pretty quickly. What is mentioning is that, an extra $50 to $100 above for the rental seems like not much, but it’s an extra $600 or $1200 a year will have to take from something else? There are lots of counting methods that tell you how much rent you can afford. All situations are a little different though so there isn’t one straight answer. Some apartment rental includes all utilities, some include no utilities.

3. Living with less daily cost and lower your bills

There is no denying that, we are all probably paying more then we need for utilities and other service providers. Do you need 500 channels on your TV box? Do you need that new cell phone that just came out? Start making a list by asking yourself some eye awakening questions of how you spend your money daily. I bet you’ll discover that you can live without a lot of unnecessary purchases.

Walking road a long Saigon river
Walking road along Saigon river

Generally, moving into your first place is great, it’s so exciting! Just be sure you know what you’re getting into. The last thing you must consider that you have to come back to your hometown. Living on your place for the first time in Saigon is full of challenges so make sure that you are being able to pay the rent and the extra fees.